Don’t miss the first seminar of 2018 with Sifu Alex Richter! At this year’s Winter Intensive Sifu Alex will unveil new pieces of the CWTAA curriculum and training protocols - all with an emphasis on practical application. Each day will include a brief lecture as well as a Q & A session. Leadership Trainees who attend will get additional credit towards their current program!
The 2018 Winter Intensive is a two-day seminar with extra training on Friday night just for black shirts and above
Saturday (All Levels, Chi Sau Chest Protector Required)
- SNT Tutorial & Clean-Up
- Lecture: Why we need to train forms in WT
- New Self-Defense Program Additions
- Training with the Chest Protector to improve centerline protection and add realism
- Using Kicks & Sweeps in Gwo Sau (201 & up only)
Sunday (All Levels, Official CWTAA sparring gear required)
- CK Tutorial & Clean-Up
- Lecture: The Three Expressions of WT
- Sparring: Three Expressions
- Adapting WT to the type of opponent
- Individual Program Training & Q & A
This is a Members Only Event, If you are not a member please sign up for your FREE Intro Lesson!